GangaTV: Dedicated to Holy Ganga & Independent Media Movement

Community Project to Setup TV Channel.Calling all to be a part of TVChannel Where your Voice is on Top  



We are committed to see Holy Ganga in its purest form, because Ganga is not a river, it is a civilization, it is a haritage, it is Bhagwati aadi shakti, it is an economey. W'd like to create awareness regarding Holy Ganga and its pollution amongst common men for ensuring their participation to save Ganga.

We are also committed to independent media movement, which is not funded by Govt, nor by Corporates, it is funded by you, so we are accountable to our viwers like you. Ganga TV scheduled to fuel to this movement by progressive social, economic, and political transformation. By exposing the public to perspectives excluded from the Govt/corporate-owned media, Ganga TV empowers citizens to fight injustices, to revitalize democracy, and to build a more compassionate world.


Principal preorities

  • Movement Building — Empowering global citizens, by exposing abuse of power in all its forms, and by highlighting efforts of resistance.
  • Partnerships — Building partnerships with social justice organizations and directing viewers to their work.
  • Independent Media — Working with, and supporting the growth of independent media.
  • Creativity — Celebrating creativity and artistic expression as a vital part of any healthy society.



A dream project of Ganga sewak samaj